Privacy Policy

Last Updated date: April 29, 2024

Logismico Software LLC (“we”, “us”, “ours” or “Logismico Software”) respects your privacy. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains how we collect, process, store and share personal information in connection with the Just in Case Message website (the “Site”), our messaging and other services and our business operations. “You” or “your” includes our customers, users of the Site and our services and other persons about whom we collect or process personal information.

By providing personal information to us, you acknowledge that you accept our privacy practices and policies outlined below, and you consent that we may collect, process, store and share personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

1.     Notice at Collection of Personal Information

Definition of Personal Information

We collect, process, store and share information that identifies, relates to or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual or household (“personal information”). Personal information does not include information publicly available from government records or which is not personal, like anonymous, deidentified or aggregated data (even if it originally comes from personal information).

Categories of Personal Information We Collect

Depending on your relationship with us, we may collect, process and store, and share with third parties, the following categories of personal information:

  • Contact information, such as full name and email address

  • Account credentials, such as username and password

  • Commercial information, such as Stripe account number and product id purchased

  • Communications, including the contents of chats, messages, mail, email or text messages not directed to us

  • Internet and device identifiers, activity and analytics, such as information we automatically collect through cookies and tracking technologies used on our Site, including user activity on our Site, a user’s browser, operating system and device information, IP address and approximate geolocation

  • Preference information, including preferences related to marketing, privacy and communications

  • Inferences drawn from any of the personal information listed in this section; for example, to create a profile of an individual’s preferences and characteristics

  • Other information you choose to provide to us

Our Business Purposes for Collecting and Sharing Personal Information

We collect, process, store and/or share all of the categories of personal information identified above (unless a limited subset of categories is indicated) for our following business purposes, our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of users or third parties to:

  • Provide the Site, including to maintain the Site, enable customers and users to access and use the Site, facilitate communication and collaboration among users, manage our relationship with our customers and users, process transactions and otherwise assist and respond to customers and users  

  • Support our business operations, including to bill and collect payment for use of the Site and our other services, administer and protect our Site and systems, verify the identity of users and use hosting, technology and communication providers and other vendors that support our business operations 

  • Market the Site, for example, we process and share limited categories of personal information (contact information, professional information, commercial information, internet and device information (including approximate geolocation), preference information and inferences) to send you marketing communications

  • Improve the Site, for example, we process and share limited categories of personal information (contact information, professional information, commercial information, internet and device information (including approximate geolocation), precise geolocation, audio, electronic, visual, thermal or similar information, preference information and inferences) for our internal research and development purposes and to troubleshoot, test and conduct data analysis, to update and otherwise improve the Site’s functionality, to make informed business decisions and to improve user experience

  • Deidentify personal information, including aggregating and anonymizing personal information so that it is no longer personal information

  • Meet legal and compliance requirements, including to perform audits, monitoring and reporting; support information security and anti-fraud operations; investigate and respond to disputes; exercise and defend legal claims; protect the rights, property or safety of our customers, our users, you, us or a third party; respond to legal process (including subpoenas) and governmental, court or law enforcement requests, investigations or orders; and comply with and enforce applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures and agreements 

  • Evaluate or conduct business changes, including a merger, acquisition, sale, equity or debt financing, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party invests in or acquires control of our business or assets (in whole or in part)

We do not collect or process personal information for the purposes of automated decision-making or profiling (meaning the automatic processing of an individual’s personal information to identify an individual’s preferences and interests).

We only use sensitive personal information (account credentials, financial information and communications not directed to us as necessary to provide the Site and services.

Under the laws of some jurisdictions, we must be able to describe the legal bases on which we rely to process personal information. We primarily rely on the legitimate interests, described above, to process personal information when not overridden by an individual’s data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Other legal bases for our processing of personal information include when the processing is necessary to perform a contract with you, we have a legal obligation to process the personal information or we have your consent to process the personal information.

Categories of Parties With Whom We Share Your Personal Information

We share personal information with the categories of parties listed in this section.

Third Parties

We may share personal information with the following categories of third parties for all of our business purposes described in the above section called, Our Business Purposes for Collecting and Sharing Personal information.   

  • Our affiliates for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy  

  • Our vendors who provide us with services and products that help us provide the Site and operate our business, including hosting, technology and communication providers; cyber security and other security providers; analytics and marketing providers; artificial intelligence providers; and our attorneys, advisors, auditors and accountants

  • Parties as directed by customers, we may share personal information with third parties as directed by the customer who is the controller for such personal information

  • Parties for marketing purposes, we may share the following categories of personal information with third parties for our marketing purposes: contact information, professional information, commercial information, internet and device information (including approximate geolocation), preference information and inferences

  • Parties you access, authorize or authenticate, including third parties you access through the Site, such as identity or account verification providers and payment processors; information provided to such third parties are subject to such third parties’ privacy policies; please consult the applicable third party’s privacy policy for more information on how the third party uses your personal information

  • Parties for legal purposes, including governmental authorities, law enforcement, courts or other third parties in connection with any of the activities set forth in the bullet beginning with “Meet legal and compliance requirements” in the section above called, Our Business Purposes for Collecting and Sharing Personal information

  • Parties for business changes, for example, personal information that we collect may be shared with or transferred to a third party if we consider or undergo a merger, acquisition, sale, equity or debt financing, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party invests in, finances or acquires control of our business or assets (in whole or in part)


  • We share personal information regarding a customer’s users with such customer and its users (we do not share information regarding a customer’s users with another customer without consent)

  • If we obtain personal information about other individuals from or on behalf of a customer (for example, personal information regarding a non-user employee or contractor of a customer), then we may share such personal information with such customer

    • Our customers are considered “controllers” or “owners” of personal information we collect and process on their behalf under applicable privacy laws; and our customers are not considered “third parties” under applicable privacy laws or this Privacy Policy with respect to personal information we collect and process on their behalf

  • This Privacy Policy does not control how our customers or users use personal information, which may be different from the uses described in this Privacy Policy; we have no responsibility for how our customers or users use personal information

We Do Not Sell or Share Your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising

We do not sell personal information. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “sell” means the disclosure of personal information to a third party in exchange for money or other valuable consideration.

We do not share personal information with third parties for cross-contextual behavioral advertising or targeted advertising.

We do not share personal information with third parties for such third parties’ direct marketing purposes.

Retention of Personal information

We retain personal information for as long as we deem to be necessary or advisable for our business purposes described in the above section called, Our Business Purposes for Collecting and Sharing Personal information (such as providing the Site). This may include keeping your personal information after you have stopped using our Site or our services; for example, we may retain your personal information to market the Site or services to you (unless you opt-out), comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed.

2.     Applicability of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy covers how we treat personal information that we acquire from you, or in connection with our Site or services, or in connection with our other business. This Privacy Policy does not cover, and we are not responsible for, the policies or practices of customers, other users or third parties that you may access or be connected with through the Site or otherwise through us.

Sources of Personal information

We collect personal information from the following categories of sources:

  • Directly from you, such as when you use our Site or services or when you communicate or interact with us in any way, including mail, email, phone, chat, QR code or social media

  • Indirectly from you, for example, we collect cookie data and other information from your device, browser or activity on our Site

  • From or on behalf of customers, for example, customers may provide us with the personal information of their friends and family members

  • From third parties or public sources, for example, from our data and analytics providers

Generally, you are not under a statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal information to us. However, if you do not provide the personal information required for us to facilitate certain services, verify your identity or process transactions, you may be unable to access the Site and we may be unable to facilitate services or otherwise conduct business with you.

Providers and Customers and Third-Party Links

This Privacy Policy does not cover, and we are not responsible for, the privacy policies or practices of customers, users or any third parties, which have their own rules for how they collect and use personal information. Please make any privacy requests directly to customers, users or third parties with respect to personal information in their control.

Our Site may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share personal information about you. We do not endorse or control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices or any information on their websites. When you leave our Site, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

Personal Information of Others You Share with Us

You may not disclose the personal information of another individual to us unless you have their prior written consent or are otherwise authorized under applicable law to share their information with us. To the extent that you provide another individual’s personal information to us or we collect another individual’s personal information on your behalf, you acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws concerning such personal information, including:

·         providing all applicable notices

·         receiving the proper authority or consent to allow us to collect, store, process and share such personal information

  • responding to data subject requests

Personal information of Children

We do not collect any personal information directly from children under 16 years of age. If you are a child under the age of 16, please do not attempt to use our Site or send us any personal information. If we learn we have collected personal information directly from a child under 16 years of age, we will delete that data as quickly as possible.

To our knowledge, we do not sell, or share for cross-contextual behavioral advertising or targeted advertising purposes, the personal information of children under the age of 16.

3.     Opt Out of Marketing Communications

You may request that we no longer send marketing communications to you. To opt out please send an email to  In your request, please indicate if you wish to opt out of all marketing communications or identify which specific types of marketing communications you no longer wish to receive (email, postal mail, telephone calls or text messages). You will continue to receive transaction and service-related communications.

4.     Our Use of Cookies

Our Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technology

Our Site uses cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs and JavaScript (collectively, “cookies”) to gather data about visitors to our Site, analyze trends and operate and improve our Site. Cookies are small pieces of data– usually text files – placed on your computer, tablet, phone or similar device when you use that device to access our Site. We may also supplement the information we collect from you with information received from third parties, including third parties that have placed their own cookies on your devices.  

Monitoring and Recording Communication

We may use cookies and other tracking technology to monitor communications made through the Site, including chat, email, phone and text messages. You consent to us monitoring and recording all of your communications made through the Site and to us using and sharing such recordings for all purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Do Not Track

Do Not Track” is a privacy preference that users can set in their web browsers. When a user turns on the Do Not Track signal, the browser sends a message to websites requesting them not to track the user. Our website is not currently configured to respond to Do Not Track signals or other mechanisms that provide users the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personal information about a user’s online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services.

Disable or Delete Cookies and Tracking Technology; Third-Party Cookies  

Disable or Delete Cookies from Your Browser or Device

You can decide whether or not to accept certain cookies through your internet browser’s settings. Most browsers have an option for turning off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allow you to decide on acceptance of each new cookie in a variety of ways. To explore what cookie settings are available to you, look in the “preferences” or “options” section of your browser’s menu.

You can also delete all cookies that are already on your device. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit our Site, and some of the functionalities of our Site may not work.

Third-Party Cookies and Resources to Opt-Out of Cookies and Targeted Advertising

We allow third parties to set and collect cookies through our Site. Please review such third parties’ privacy policies and other terms for information on their privacy practices and uses of personal information, including whether they use cookies to provide targeted and cross-contextual behavioral advertising and your options to opt-out.

To make choices about targeted advertisements from participating third parties, including to opt-out of receiving targeted advertisements from participating third parties, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative at or the Digital Advertising Alliance at

To find out more information about cookies, including information about how to manage and delete cookies, please visit  

5.     Data Security and Processing

Security of Personal information

We will maintain reasonable technical and organizational safeguards for the protection of the security and confidentiality of personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or transfer. Despite our efforts to ensure security, we cannot guarantee or warrant that personal information will not be accessed, acquired, disclosed for an improper purpose, altered or destroyed by an unauthorized person or as a result of a breach of our security safeguards or those of our hosting provider or other vendors or service providers.  We cannot ensure the security of any data transmitted to us over the internet. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure by us of personal information. Therefore, we urge you to take adequate precautions to protect personal information as well, including, without limitation, never sharing your account username or password.

International Transfer, Storage and Processing

We operate from the United States and the personal information we collect or receive is stored and processed in the United States and may be processed in other countries around the world subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

If you are located in the European Economic Area or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from United States law, please note that we may transfer data, including personal information, to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction and may afford materially less privacy protections for your personal information than your jurisdiction. You consent to the transfer of personal information to the United States or any other country in which we, our affiliates or vendors maintain facilities. You consent to the use and sharing of information about you as described in this Privacy Policy.

6.     Changes and Amendments to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at our discretion and at any time. When we do, we will post the revised policy on our Site with a new “Last Updated” date. Your continued use of our Site or our services or your provision of personal information to us following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes. We encourage you to visit this page regularly for any changes.

7.     Contact Us

Contact Us

You may contact us with questions, concerns, complaints, or disputes related to this Privacy Policy and our privacy policies and practices.

·         Data Controller: Logismico Software LLC

·         Email: