7 Just-in-Case Measures We Already Take: Adding “Just in Case Message” to Your Plan

just in case

Most of us, at one time or another, do things in life “just in case.” This kind of proactive mentality manifests in various aspects of our daily lives. Here are seven common measures we take “just in case” a bad event befalls us:

Life Insurance

Probably the most common “just in case” measure we take is buying life insurance. We buy life insurance policies to provide our loved ones with some financial security just in case one of us passes away. It ensures that, amidst the shock and grief of bereavement, our family can turn to it to bear funeral expenses, pay off debts, and sustain their standard of living without worrying about money.

Disability Insurance

Another common measure we take to protect our financial stability is disability insurance. We purchase disability insurance to help us maintain our standard of living and meet our financial obligations, such as mortgage payments and daily expenses, if we become unable to work due to disability.

Emergency Savings Fund

A wise step toward financial management against unexpected shocks related to job loss, medical emergencies, or major repairs is having an emergency savings fund. Job stability is fast becoming a serious issue in the mercurial markets we live in; such funds act as a financial cushion to help manage expenses during tough times.

Wills, Power of Attorney, and Estate Planning

By preparing legal documents like wills and powers of attorney and having an estate plan in place in case of demise or incapacitation, we can ensure the distribution of our property according to our desires. Such legal documents ideally bring clarity to loved ones during dire times so that our affairs are managed and wound up smoothly according to our wishes.

Emergency Contact Lists and Medical Information

Emergency contact lists and medical information should be updated so that our loved ones can take prompt action in case of emergencies. Having this information at hand will help expedite the process of contacting the right people and delivering proper care to a patient.

Childcare Contingency Plans

Parents also plan contingency solutions to assist their children and leave them in the hands of someone they trust in case of a crisis or urgency. This includes the names of trusted guardians who will take care of the child, along with contact information, access to their home, school, and medical treatments.

Advance Healthcare Directives

Advance healthcare directives, commonly referred to as living wills, are documents describing our wishes concerning medical treatment when we are no longer able to communicate them. This document ensures that our choices for medical treatment are followed and carried out when we are no longer able to express those wishes.

Adding “Just in Case Message” to Your Plan

Nobody wants to think that they may get disabled or incapacitated, but we take these measures using our “just-in-case” mentality. We add safety nets to protect us from unforeseen events. Just in Case Message (JICM) allows you to plan effectively, providing necessary guidance for your loved ones and people you trust in the event the unthinkable happens.

Simply choose your trustees, organize your personal information into information cards, write your messages, and assign them to your trustees. Finally, set up the system to send you check-in messages to ensure you are OK, and activate it. Another simple “just-in-case” measure in your life that, once set up, gives you that “peace of mind” feeling that your “just-in-case” attitude requires.


The “just in case” mentality is part of the way we plan for life’s uncertainties. It is by taking these proactive measures that most of these unexpected eventualities are secured for us and our loved ones. These steps bring a sense of peace of mind and security, thus bracing us while going through life’s challenges with confidence. In that respect, planning shows that we do care and are responsible both for our future and the well-being of our loved ones.
